Current Post Officers:
Commander: David Stevens
1st Vice Commander: Jim Hambor
2nd Vice Commander: Robert Jaramillo
3rd Vice Commander: Vacant
Adjutant: Steve Marsh
Finance Officer: Rudolph Chavez
Chaplain: Pepe Mendoza
Service Officer: Martin Abeyta
Sergeant-at-Arms: Rudolph Chavez
Historian: Carl Radosevich
Immediate Past Commander: Dee-Dee Chapman
Executive Committee Members:
3 Year - Phil Baca
2 year - Professor Padilla
1 year - Eddie Santillance
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 69 Officers:
President: Yolanda Montoya
1st Vice President: Rosie Apodaca
2nd Vice President: Angie Duran
Secretary/Treasurer: Theresa Montoya
Chaplain: Virgina Sanchez
Historian: Theresa Montoya
Sergeant-at-Arms: Peggy Martinez
Executive Committee Members:
Debra A. Archuleta
Mary Lou Lopez
Joice Maestas
Sons of the American Legion (S.A.L) Officers:
Commander: Randolph Montoya
1st Vice Commander: Vacant
2nd Vice Commander: Leonard Duran
Adjutant: Michael Chavez
Finance Officer: Danny Padilla
Chaplain: Carlos E. Gurule
Sergeant-At-Arms: Daniel Montoya
Historian: Randolph Montoya
Executive Committee Members
Randolph Montoya
Mike Chavez
Legion Riders Officers:
Director: Jim "Priest" Hecker
Assistant Director: Gobind "JustJo" Hecker
Treasurer: Lorraine "Nightmare" Romo
Secretary: Joyce "Bubbles" Maestas
Chaplain: Vacant
Sergeant-at-Arms: Clint "Ghost" Waldrop
Historian: Vacant
Road Captain: Randy "Macho" Maestas